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Crack these 5 Picture Riddles and Challenge Your Brain – Can You Solve Them All?

Welcome to an exciting world of picture riddles where your brain will be put to the test! Picture riddles are a fun and engaging way to challenge yourself and improve your problem-solving skills. In this article, we have compiled a collection of 5 intriguing picture riddles that will test your observational and analytical abilities. Whether you’re looking to kill some time or want to give your brain a workout, these riddles are perfect for people of all ages. So, get ready to put your thinking cap on and see if you can crack all 5 picture riddles!

Snowman Temper Tantrum

Snowman Temper Tantrum
Picture Riddles

What’s it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum?


A meltdown


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Driving A Bus

You Are Driving A Bus
Picture Riddles

You are driving a bus, Six people get on, two people get off, then 10 people get on and five people get off, then eight people get on and four more people get off.

What color were the bus driver’s eyes?


Whatever color your eyes are. ‘You’ are driving a bus.


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Picture Riddles

A brainteaser involving what looks like some simple math with McDonald’s burgers and fries has left people starving for the correct answer. Can you solve this McDonalds riddle?


The key is to first determine how much each item is worth. The drink is clearly worth 10, and it’s apparent from the second line that the burgers are worth five.



Pictures of the fries are each worth two, but you have to keep in mind that each individual packet of fries is worth one when you get to the next line. That has baited people into thinking, incorrectly, that the last line is 5 + 2 x 10.

The fourth line has also thrown many people off because it involves order of operations after already including the tricky single packet of fries.

Multiplication comes before addition, so you have to multiply one packet of fries by one drink and then add that to one burger. Thus, 5 + (1×10) = 15.


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Shoe Guy Scarf

Shoe Guy Scarf - Math Riddles
Picture Riddles

Let’s see who is smart enough to solve this math problem!


43. Shoe (5) + Man, two scarves and two shoes (19) times scarf (2).

19 x 2 is 38. 38 + 5 is 43.


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Math Brain Teasers

Picture Riddles

If, 12 = 6 and 6 = 3; Then Why Isn’t 10 = 5?

(And what is 10 equal to)?


12 (Twelve) has 6 letters,

6 (Six) has 3


10 (Ten) will be equal to 3


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Thanks for taking on the challenge of solving these picture riddles! We hope you had a great time and enjoyed putting your brain to the test. If you’re hungry for more mind-bending puzzles, feel free to check out our website for a wide selection of riddles, brain teasers.

If you managed to crack all 5 picture riddles, well done! We’d love to hear how you did, so feel free to leave a comment and share your experience. Additionally, if you have any of your own riddles that you’d like to share with the world, please let us know.

To stay updated on our latest riddles and puzzles, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. We’ll send you new challenges directly to your inbox, so you can keep your mind sharp and impress your friends with your puzzle-solving prowess. Thanks for joining us on this riddle-solving journey, and happy puzzling!


Surya Narayan Mishra

Surya Narayan Mishra

Writer & Blogger

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As a passionate explorer of the intersection between technology, art, and the natural world, I’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the fascinating connections.
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As a passionate explorer of the intersection between technology, art, and the natural world, I’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the fascinating connections.
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