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Can You Solve This Fun Picture Riddle? Put Your Skills to the Test!

Picture riddles are a fun and interactive way to challenge your brain and test your observation skills. These visual puzzles use images to convey a hidden message or answer, requiring you to think creatively and outside the box. In this article, we present a collection of exciting picture riddles that will put your problem-solving abilities to the test. So get ready to flex your mental muscles and see if you can crack these fun and challenging picture riddles!

Girl Name Start With A And Ends A

Girl Name Start With A And Ends A
Picture Riddles


No such names starts with capital “A” and ends with capital “A.”


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A Woman Has Five Cousins

A Woman Has Five Cousins
Picture Riddles

A woman has five cousins.
Monday is the first cousin.
Tuesday is the second cousin.
Wednesday is the third cousin.
Thursday is the fourth cousin.
What is the name of the fifth cousin.


Hint: The expected answer to your riddle would be “Friday. “But that is not correct. And all the information you need to find the answer is contained within the riddle.



The name of the 5th is ‘What.’ As the riddle told you “What is the name of the fifth cousin.” it was a statement, not a question.


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Someones Mom Has 4 Sons

Someones mom has 4 sons. North, East and West. What is the name of the fourth son?

Someones mom has 4 sons. North, East and West. What is the name of the fourth son?


The question itself says “someone’s” mom. Given the name of the three other sons the name of the fourth son can be Someone.


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I Bought A Cow For 800

I bought a cow for $800.I sold it for $1000. I bought it again for $1100. I sold it again for $1300. How much did I earn?
Picture Riddles

I bought a cow for $800.
I sold it for $1000.
I bought it again for $1100.
I sold it again for $1300.
How much did I earn?


You earned $500-$100 = $400.


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Clock Calculator Bulb

Consider all these factors to solve the clock Calculator bulb puzzle.
Picture Riddles

Consider all these factors to solve the clock Calculator bulb puzzle.


Find the value of one clock using the first equation. According to first equation, 9’o clock + 9’o clock + 3’o clock = 9 + 9 + 3 = 21.

Therefore; 1 Clock = 1

Using equation two, three calculators are equal to 30. Therefore, one calculator is equal to 10.

Also, the sum of numbers inside the calculator is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

Therefore, the value of the calculator depends on the sum of the numbers inside it.

According to equation three, 1 Bulb + 1 Bulb – 1 Bulb = 15.

Cancelling out the + and -; we get 1 Bulb with five lights = 15
Therefore, one bulb with one light = 3.

Bulb with four lights = 4 x 3 = 12.

The final equation is – 9’o clock + Calculator (1+2+2+4) x 3 bulbs (with four light rays each)

Translating the final equation into numbers – 9 + (1+2+2+4) x 3(12)

9 + 9 x 36 = 9 + 324 = 333.

Answer to ‘Watch Calculator bulb’ puzzle is 333.


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Thanks for taking on the challenge of solving this picture riddle! We hope you had a great time and enjoyed putting your brain to the test. If you’re hungry for more mind-bending puzzles, visit our website or Click Here for a wide selection of riddles, brain teasers, and games.


If you managed to crack the code of this riddle, well done! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know how you did. And if you have any riddles of your own that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear them.

To stay updated on our latest riddles and puzzles, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. We’ll send you new challenges directly to your inbox, so you can keep your mind sharp and impress your friends with your puzzle-solving prowess. Thanks for joining us on this riddle-solving journey, and happy puzzling!


Surya Narayan Mishra

Surya Narayan Mishra

Writer & Blogger

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