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5 Deadly Riddles: Can You Solve Them?

Welcome to a mind-bending challenge that will put your wits to the test. Prepare yourself for a thrilling encounter with the “5 Death Riddles.” Get ready to unravel mysteries, face cunning enigmas, and delve into the darkest corners of your imagination. Can you crack these treacherous puzzles before they claim another victim? Sharpen your mind, brace your nerves, and embark on a journey that will leave you breathless. Dare you take on the ultimate test of wit and survival? Let the riddle-solving begin!

Found Dead On A Bed – Death Riddles

Found Dead On A Bed - Death Riddles

A man was found dead on his bed with blood on his pillow, a broken stick with a mark on it with parts of it under the bed, and a gun on the bed. (Now pay attention to these series of questions) Was it murder or suicide? If murder, who did it and why? If suicide, who provoked him to do it and why?


It was suicide. The man was the smallest midgit in the world and his friend was the second smallest midget in the world and they worked at a circus. His friend was jealous of him so he broke a yardstick (note: that was the broken stick on the bed) and marked it at four feet. When his friend measured his height, it looked like he grew making him very depressed which led to killing himself thus making his friend the smallest midget in the world. (Bet you never saw that one coming).


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Born And Died – Death Riddles

Born And Died Riddle - Death Riddles

A man is born in 1946 and dies in 1947, yet he was 86 years old. How is that possible?


He was born in room #1946 of the hospital when he was born, and died in room #1947 86 years later.


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A Room With Windows – Death Riddles

A Room With Windows Riddle - Death Riddles

In a room with four walls no windows. On the south wall there is a door and on the north too. There is a table in the middle with four chairs. On the table there are 52 bicycles and three empty boxes in one of the chairs there is a dead man. How did he die? 


How he died was he was in a submarine and they were at war with another country and their ship was hit there were four people in there. The bicycles are actually playing card brands and there were three oxygen tanks. the four men bet with cards to see who would get to take one oxygen tank. obviously the man who was dead lost and he was the one who died from lack of oxygen in the sub.


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Off Goes His Hat – Death Riddle

Off Goes His Hat - Death Riddle

A man takes off his hat. A few minutes later he is dead. Why? 


He’s an astronaut.


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Pepsi Has Five Letters – Brain Teaser

Pepsi Has Five Letters - Brain Teaser
Picture Riddles

Pepsi has 5 letters. Spell that in 4 letters.


The correct answer is T-H-A-T.


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Thanks for taking on the challenge of solving these picture riddles! We hope you had a great time and enjoyed putting your brain to the test. If you’re hungry for more mind-bending puzzles, feel free to check out our website for a wide selection of riddles, brain teasers.

If you managed to crack all 5 picture riddles, well done! We’d love to hear how you did, so feel free to leave a comment and share your experience. Additionally, if you have any of your own riddles that you’d like to share with the world, please let us know.

To stay updated on our latest riddles and puzzles, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter. We’ll send you new challenges directly to your inbox, so you can keep your mind sharp and impress your friends with your puzzle-solving prowess. Thanks for joining us on this riddle-solving journey, and happy puzzling!

Surya Narayan Mishra

Surya Narayan Mishra

Writer & Blogger

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Melody Schaefer-Delacruz

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As a passionate explorer of the intersection between technology, art, and the natural world, I’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the fascinating connections.
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As a passionate explorer of the intersection between technology, art, and the natural world, I’ve embarked on a journey to unravel the fascinating connections.
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